As a undergraduate research assistant at the Interactive Futures Lab (2018-2019), I worked under the guidance of Dr. Sowmya Somanath, and in collaboration with HCI researchers (Dr. Tim Au Yeung, and Dr. Ehud Sharlin) from the University of Calgary towards a paper that was successfully accepted for publication and poster presentation by the international ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019) conference.  As lead author of the published study, I independently: identified the unique problem space within robot-animal interaction, conducted the research study and collected behavioral data through direct observation and video footage, conceptualized ideas through writing the first draft, developed and presented the conference poster.

Exploring the reactions of companion animals as unintended users of social robots

Prompted by consideration towards how companion animals are acclimating to an increasingly technological environment, this study conducted an informal design research exploration that observed the reaction of two domesticated felines in response to an autonomous social robot (that was explicitly designed for human users) within their home.  This study explored two different approaches to revealing technologies to pets; sudden exposure through placing the robot in the space, and a gradual sensory-considerate introduction.  The final observations revealed that a gradual progression allowed the cats a sense of familiarity which led to slightly greater acceptance.  Overall, the exploration provided insight into behavioral suggestions for the design of social robots to be placed within multi-species households.

The process

Study Design

Informed by literature within animal behavioral sciences on the topic of interspecies introductions, we found that introductions included calculated experiences that were paced based on exposure to sensory stimulation in incremental degrees to afford desensitization. 

We used these theories to inform a 2-phased study design that would allow comparison of the two methods of introducing this technology within the home:  the typical practice of consumers directly placing the technology inside the home; and, a pre-planned, gradual sensory exposure method.

Study Results

Study data was gathered by ethnographic observation, a research method favored within Animal Computer Interaction. 

The responses throughout the two phases were observed in terms of fear and aggression, and attentiveness and acceptance towards the robots presence.

Our preliminary understanding suggests that a gradual introduction of social robots towards pets could be useful in this adjustment, but the technique could be adjusted for a longer duration.

Reflection and Design Suggestions

Based on the results of this study, we proposed 2 design principles that could be applied towards the design of social robots to improve their acceptance within multispecies households: consideration of interactive and expressive behaviors so that they are appropriate for various species; and, the development of features that can provide caretakers with the ability to gradually introduce robots to their pets.

Sample video

This video shows some of the interesting behaviors that emerged between the domestic cats and the social robot.


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